About us

We develop products for the health and vitality of people, animals and the environment

Our motivation

Increasing health awareness and the ever-growing demands placed on us humans in today’s industrialized societies make health-promoting measures a high priority. As the developers of Swiss Akamani’s S.R.A. technology, we were motivated to investigate these phenomena and find a solution for widespread use. Our focus was on the search for non-medicinal measures. We agreed that the key had to lie in nature and studied the processes that can be observed in nature. We looked at the supply mechanisms of human cells and cells in general. Every cell emits electromagnetic signals. If the cell is weakened, it can no longer function in the usual way and communicate with its environment. Disorders occur in the tissue and organs. Microcirculation plays a decisive role here, as it is the link for supplying the cells with oxygen and nutrients and for the disposal of metabolic waste products. We have found the solution in S.R.A. technology and its many possible applications.

Contact us

Swiss Akamani GmbH Technopark Luzern Platz 4 6039 Root D4 Switzerland info@swissakamani.com Tel.
+41 41 790 01 08